Intuition: The Way Your Subconscious Mind Guides You

Intuition: The Way Your Subconscious Mind Guides You

Intuition is a form of knowledge that comes from the subconscious mind into the conscious mind. It can arrive quickly, without awareness of the underlying mental processing of information.  Often much of the information that we take in is registered in our brain without our conscious awareness. Have you ever turned down a street because […]

The Water Element Personality

water element personality

This room vibes with the water element because of the beautiful deep blue wall color. Yes, please! This room feels exotic but calming at the same time. In feng shui, think blues & blacks, mirrors, water fountains & images of the sea when you think of water element. A great way to channel the water element […]

The Wood Element Personality

wood element personality

This room vibes with the wood element because of the mini plant kingdom(which I love ) & because of the plush green velvet sofa, I want one! The wood element in Feng Shui is all things living- think trees, flowers & plants! An amazing way to channel the wood element into your body and life is […]

How to Strengthen Your Connection to Earth Element with Crystals

how to strengthen your connection to earth elements with crystals

Crystals are pure magic in your home. They are the most powerful application of the earth element and each has its own energetic imprint. Once you start working with crystals, you will find which ones resonate with you the most. And this will change over time depending on your needs. One of my most favorite […]

How to Flow with Water

water element flow

The water element in feng shui represents the emotions we feel. If we get stuck in those emotions, they become stagnant and affect our mind, our home and our life. Water out of balance manifests as fear and fear creates blocks in our lives.  If you think about nature, water is a powerful force. When […]

Channel the Earth Element When You Need Grounding

channel the earth element

Do you feel unstable, scattered or chaotic in the world we live in today? Don’t worry, nature has your back dear one! Channel the earth element to ground, center and calm your energy. This is the one element that should be strengthened in every home regardless of your personal element type. Earth element will provide […]

Channel the Metal Element for Focus & Clarity

channel the metal element

Do you have a lot of great ideas but have trouble executing them? The metal element in feng shui can bring clarity, focus and execution of your ideas into reality. But before we dive into that, let’s have a quick lesson on life force energy through the lens of TCM and Ayurveda. These ancient medicine […]

Channel the Fire Element When You Need Love, Joy, & Creativity

channel the fire element

One of my most favorite things to do when I was on the island was to go down to the sound and watch the sunset at the end of the day. For those few moments, nothing else existed. It was transformative. Think of a gorgeous sunset where the sky is painted with vibrant magentas, reds, […]

Grounding and Earthing

grounding and earthing

Earth is energy. We are energy. Our homes are energy. Literally everything around you is energy. Energy must flow. Earthing is a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your electrical energy by connecting physically to earth. This has been shown to have positive effects on inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle repair, chronic pain, and mood. You […]