How to Strengthen Your Connection to Earth Element with Crystals

how to strengthen your connection to earth elements with crystals

Crystals are pure magic in your home. They are the most powerful application of the earth element and each has its own energetic imprint. Once you start working with crystals, you will find which ones resonate with you the most. And this will change over time depending on your needs. One of my most favorite ways to spend a Saturday is a trip to the crystal shop in town to see what calls to me. It is absolutely amazing to me that every time I choose the one with the exact metaphysical and healing properties I need at that moment in my life. Crystals are very personal to each of us and I always suggest picking them intuitively. If you have a local crystal store, go there and roam. Just look at the crystals and feel their energy. You can also order crystals online but it is much harder to assess their energy this way. 

There are also many books on the following:
  • crystal properties
  • how to work with grids in your home
  • general healing properties


If you prefer to know about the crystal before choosing it then this might be the better route to take in your crystal selection. I encourage you to work with any crystal you feel drawn to because there is likely a reason.

In your home, a great placement for your most powerful crystals is in your center bagua. As this is the foundation upon which the rest of the house rests. You want this part of your home to be grounded firm in earth so that it can support you and your family.  A set of beautiful crystals is also an amazing addition to your entry foyer table.

Certain parts of your home are nourished by the earth element so these are also good locations for your crystals. Your southwest bagua loves earth which governs your relationships and all types of love. The west and northwest baguas are also supported by earth.

The following are areas to work with crystals in:
  • if you are working on a creative project
  • wanting to attract mentors into your life
  • focusing on manifesting something for your children


Lastly, the northeast area of your home which is your spiritual knowledge area loves earth. If you are a student or looking to deepen your spiritual connection, this is a great area to focus on with crystals.

Crystals can be used in meditation to draw on their energy or to align your chakras. Chakras are central to Ayurvedic medicine and I will be dedicating an entire blog to this topic. But for now, to experiment with crystal meditation, I want you to intuitively choose a crystal for each of your seven chakras. Choose the one you are most drawn to for each and lay that crystal on top of that chakra on your body. This meditation should be done lying down. When finished you will have seven crystals resting on your body. Then try a guided chakra meditation or just rest and let it flow to you. Focus on breathing and progressively scan each chakra asking for what you need to know or channel from that particular crystal.

One of my favorite guided chakra meditations can be found on You Tube by Jason Stephenson (Before Sleep|Beginners Spoken Guided Meditation|Chakra Alignment).  I often listen to this before going to sleep as a meditation and it is okay if you fall asleep. That just means your body is responding and coming into alignment.

Until next time,

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