Leaning into Emotions Instead of Running During Full Moon

Learning into Emotions Instead of Running During Full Moon

Do you feel like escaping an emotion because it is just too intense?

You are not alone. We all do this when feelings are overwhelming to us or we are not sure how to deal with them.  But, I want you to consider doing something completely counterintuitive when you feel an intense emotion.  I want you to instead welcome it when you want to push it away. Lean into it and allow it to be there. Only then, can you release it. 

Think of it like this. When you suddenly remember something you need to do or an item that you need from the grocery store, what do you instinctually do? You write it down on a to do list, add it to your phone calendar or put the item on your grocery list. After you do this you are able to go on about your day and forget about it until it is time to go to the grocery store. Your emotions work the same way. They need to be acknowledged by your conscious self and until you do that they will keep reminding you that they are there. Once they feel heard and acknowledged, they will settle down and let you get on to other things in your life. 

Ask yourself with awareness what blocking behaviors do you have? When you feel an intense emotion do you head to the pantry for chocolate ? Do you go shopping ? Do you drink alcohol? These behaviors are your body’s attempt to numb the feeling and to give you a brief serotonin boost. Serotonin does make you temporarily forget about the feeling but it always returns once that wears off. 

When you lean into what you are feeling, soothe and comfort yourself with something healthy. See my blog post on self-compassion for some ideas here:

Is Self Compassion the Missing Ingredient in your Ability to Manifest ?

A great time to lean into your feelings is during the full moon each month, But, this full moon in Pisces coming up on September 10th is an especially good time to do this. Full moons in general reveal things to us and help us to see a situation that may have remained hidden to us before. Through this revelation, we can fully heal. This is essential because the unhealed parts of ourselves control us on a subconscious level .

Trauma does not understand the difference between today and yesterday . This can hold us back from the joy and love we want to experience in life. If you are able to let go of the past, you can then step fully into the present , the now. 

The Pisces full moon is all about expansion of your dreams. It will ask you to think bigger, to dream bigger.  You have unlimited potential and unlimited reach . This will be a good time to unplug, go inward, protect your energy and your peace . Pisces moon asks you to lean into your intuition , mysticism and inner consciousness. It is a truly magical time. 

It is important during this time to ground your body and your home with earth so you feel supported. Working with crystals charged with the individual intention you set for healing is a great way to approach the full moon in Pisces. Set your crystals out to soak up this moon energy. Put some water out to create moon water that you can add to your bath later . Be sure to get my free plant and crystal guide to help you get started .

The full moon not only asks us to be energetically ready to be illuminated, but to also stand bravely- ready to face what it shows us.  It allows us to integrate these feelings into our consciousness where they can be healed. Then we are free.

Isn’t that what we all want anyway , freedom and peace of mind?

Until next time , 

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