Channel the Wood Element When You Crave Growth and Expansion in Your Life

wood element

Are you looking for more expansion in your life? If so, chances are you identify with the wood element in feng shui. Or , maybe you just have a thing for plants. I’m guilty too. I love plants. They make me happy. The local nursery knows me by name and gets worried if I’m not there at least once a week. They are one of the first things that drew me into feng shui. I would have an entire house full of plants if I could. Plants improve the air quality of your home and inspire you to move toward expansion. Put fire and wood together if you want to explode your creative expression.

Wood could be your dominant element type or you could be craving the expansion and growth it brings in your life. The wood element in feng shui is all things living- think trees, flowers & plants! An amazing way to channel the wood element into your body and life is forest bathing. This basically means making contact with earth in some way to ground yourself physically. This actually decreases EMF load in your body as well. You can plant your feet in the sand by the ocean, in the grass in your yard or in a river bank. Bring the wood element into your home with plants, greens and chocolate browns, botanical prints, and floral prints.

The wood personality type is visionary who is fearless and powerful. 

Wood types are bold, determined and overcome obstacles easily. Have you ever noticed how tree roots grow wherever they want to regardless of what is in their way? If you identify with the wood element, chances are you find solutions to problems and lead others. You probably also push yourself to the limit on a regular basis. Hey, no judgment here- I am a wood personality myself. I know all too well, when we are out of balance it is easy to feel overwhelmed, under pressure and overstimulated. It is very important for the wood personality to be mindful and stay in the present moment, get regular exercise where you move your energy in some way, and take quiet time to calm and decompress from all of your ambitious goals.

Fun fact, the wood element in feng shui is associated with Jupiter the planet of good fortune and expansion.  So, I give you permission-go ahead and buy another plant, or three and watch your abundance explode!

Image by One Kind Design and Decorating with Plants

Until next time,

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