Why The Fall Equinox is the Perfect Time to Set Your Intention

Why the Fall Equinox is the Perfect Time to Set Your Intention
The Fall Equinox
You are probably wondering what setting intention and the Fall Equinox have in common , yes? A lot more than you think. The Fall Equinox is the harvest season. It is when we reap the harvest from all that we have sent out to the Universe through our intentions.
We harvest abundance, find purpose and renew relationships with others as well as deepen our own self- compassion. So, dear one , I want you to be thinking of what you want to harvest now and set that intention. Send it out into the Universe with love and unshakeable belief that it will manifest.
The Science Of Intention
Those of us that study the brain and neuroscience have a fancy term for your ability to literally rewire your brain by choice. It is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to heal itself after injury and to rewire itself in response to repetitive thought changes.
Yes, your brain can be wired to respond to a situation in either a positive or negative way based on your historical responses. So, take back your power. When a negative thought comes, say to yourself (or out loud if you dare 😉 -No, cancel that. Then , reframe it in a more positive way. Do this repeatedly over time and your brain will respond. This is the science used to help stroke victims recover their ability to move and function as they did prior to the stroke. But, it takes time and repetition. You must dig in and put your roots into change.
The Other Side of Intention is Gratitude
Those of you that follow me know I speak about gratitude often because it is the single most important key to manifesting change in your brain and in your life in my opinion.
While your intention is out there manifesting its way into your life, practice gratitude on a daily basis. The more you do this , the more power your intention gains.
I know life is hard. We all struggle. I promise you no matter how bad the day is, there is always something to be grateful for and you must find it. Today, I am grateful to be sharing this message with you about intention because it has given me an idea for a chapter I was asked to write about mastering your mindset . So, thank you dear ones for that. ❤️
What to do Next
The Fall Equinox is exciting because it is both about grounding yourself in earth and getting shit done with the metal element. We are going to work on both!There are ways your home can help you with bringing life to your intentions. I have an entire series on how to harvest the best of yourself and your home for the Fall Equinox.
Here’s a sneak peek :
🍁Root Chakra Grounding for the Fall Equinox
🍁Fall Feng Shui Colors to Bring into Your Home
🍁Fall Earth Crystals
🍁Nourishing your Body with Ayurvedic Eating for VATA Season
🍁Renewal of Self During this Season
🍁Fall Feng Shui to do List
🍁Working with Metal Element for Creativity in the W | NW
🍁Refresh Your Entry Chi for the Fall Equinox
Starts in 2 weeks and you can sign up for The Mind Home Connection . Best of all , it’s free!
{Just click The Mind Home Connection tab. }
Until next time,

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