The Science of Negative Ions Explained

science of negative ions

I remember even as a small child being by the ocean, feeling calmly still and wildly invigorated at the same time. Have you ever wondered why you feel better physically or have more energy when by the ocean? Maybe standing on the top of a mountain after an invigorating hike energizes you …or at the base of a waterfall -feeling mystical, healed and peaceful despite the crashing water around you. There is a reason why.

The air circulating around the mountains and the ocean is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions. The action of the pounding surf at the beach creates negative ions in abundance. I have a good friend who loves and always feels energized by thunderstorms but I never understood why.  Thunderstorms also produce large amounts of negative ions. One of my most favorite shots I took on the island was during a lightning storm. The negative ions were super charged that night and my photograph captured the purple energy dispersing in all directions in the sky like a weird science experiment. Those sensitive to energy can sense even the slightest changes in the environment. You can smell the difference in the air after a storm has passed, especially by the ocean.

Positive ions are molecules that have lost one or more electron and lead to oxidative stress in our bodies. Many grounded devices that emit EMF contain positive ions which are not healthy for our bodies.  Certain earth events like the Santa Ana winds of southern California create a high concentration of positive ions. Too many positive ions can cause headaches, dizziness, body aches, twitching, fatigue and nausea. They can cause an imbalance in sodium in your body which is critical to cardiac health. Psychological effects include depression, anxiety and irritability.

Negative ions are oxygen atoms with an extra negatively charged electron. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, moving air or water. Deep breathing creates negative ions which recharge the bioplasmic body to equalize disturbed energy patterns. This is why Prana (the energy from air) and breath work are so vital to yoga and meditation practice.

These ions are known as the antioxidants of the air due to their ability to neutralize free radicals, revitalize cell metabolism, enhance the function of our immune systems, purify our blood, and even give us better sleep. Athletes use hyperbaric oxygen chambers to heal concussions and body injuries.  Medical research showed that forty hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions for sixty minutes each demonstrated significant improvements in both Post-Concussion Syndrome and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms in both civilian and military subjects compared to controls. These included improvement in memory, cognitive function, depression, anxiety, sleep and overall quality of life. You can find the research link here: .

Not all ions are negative. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. Both positive and negative ions exist in nature. However, with the climate shifts, growth in our population, and technology the air has taken a predominantly positive ionic charge. Generally, the amount of positive and negative ions should be balanced to avoid sickness.  If you’ve ever noticed children misbehave more or you feel more emotional during the full moon this is because the full moon is associated with an imbalance toward high positive ion concentrations. If you breathe large amounts of positive ions without equal negative ions you will be affected physically and psychologically. However, air containing excess negative ions has been shown to have no side effects and even to be advantageous to our mind and bodies.

Fortunately, Mother Earth has your back! So, if you live near a mountain, a waterfall or the ocean- get out there and soak it up! But if you can’t make it to the beach or waterfall, never fear- Plants naturally generate negative ions, as well as produce oxygen and purify the air. Keeping indoor plants is a wonderful way to harness the Earth’s natural health and healing properties. The palm tree, money plant, spider plant, fig, rubber plant, aloe vera and peace lily are all perfect indoor plants that will add negative ions to your indoor environment. Just be sure to choose pet safe options if you have a cat or dog in your home.

Until Next Time,

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