Chi Energy is Contagious

chi energy

Chi energy is contagious. We feel the energy around us in other humans, our pets, our homes. If emotions are chi then they must be contagious too. Have you ever just felt icky around someone but you had no idea why? It was their energy. The more aligned you become, the more you are able to sense the energy of others-good or bad. Even worse, you could be sharing a home with someone who has toxic energy and feeling completely drained by it. Believe it or not this affects our pets too. Animals are more primal, less rational and more in tune to the energy around them.  Ask any empath how absolutely draining this can be for them every day.

Have you ever met someone and just walked away thinking ickkk, but you had no idea why? This is dirty energy. We read energy on a subconscious level and those who are early in their energy work journey will feel this but not be sure what it is that they are sensing. Another example would be talking to someone on the phone and hanging up feeling exhausted because all they did was talk about themselves. These people are energy vampires. They will take all of your energy and leave you feeling depleted without you knowing what hit you if you do not have proper energetic boundaries. A quick and easy fix when you need to suddenly shift your energy back is to run very cold water over your hands and arms up to your elbow for a minute and shake off the negative energy. I learned this from one of the feng shui masters I studied under. It is so simple but it truly works.

Energy reading comes natural to every person. We are all born with the ability to read energy. As a psychologist, I studied under a renowned trial forensic psychologist here in the states and I can tell you what I learned. Much of what is communicated between people is not spoken. In fact, we default to the unspoken to know the truth about what a witness, juror or defendant might be saying. See, our brains have learned how to twist the truth to please others or to cause less harm to ourselves in certain situations. But the subconscious part of the mind which controls all of your non -verbal behavior just can’t lie. It does not go through that discernment period that conscious behavior does. One of my favorites is when you ask someone a yes / no question and they say yes while shaking their head to the right and left indicating no. You would be shocked how often that happens.

My point with this is we come into this world with this ability and we slowly diminish it as we go through life and learn with the conscious brain. It wants to protect us and often adapts in ways that actually hurt us in doing so. Children and dogs have the purest most truthful energy because they have not lost it yet. Have you ever met a child that didn’t tell you exactly the truth no matter how much it might hurt your feelings? Or a dog that couldn’t sense someone not safe to be near their owner? They are experts at reading energy. So, think with your energy, your heart not with your brain when you are working with energy.

Energy is not just in you, other people and your home. Where you live geographically also has an energy. For example, you might feel completely different in a metro city than on a quiet beach depending on your personal energy needs. For me, I am too stimulated by the hustle and bustle of city life. I need to be in nature and silence to recharge my energy. This is true for a lot of children too. Some children just don’t do well being around tons of other kids or in a big city. It really is something you have to decide for yourself. The main thing is just learning to be aware of how your body is reacting to stimuli wherever you go. Once you master this, you can learn your energy needs. If your shoulders are tense and you didn’t even realize it, your body is talking to you about a situation, person or place. Listen. The longer you ignore it, the louder it will get. Unfortunately, this is how anxiety sneaks up in the body.

Until Next Time,

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